5 Haiku


Fresh blood on my skin –

Red flowers reflect my sin…

Think before you speak.


Jasmine aroma…

Fresh and sweet – it’s hard to think.

I’m lost in my dreams…


Think of something fresh,

Breathe in, leaving all regrets,

Sweet scent of freedom…


Oblivion dreams…

Fresh water in forest spring –

Just feel and don’t think…


Lilacs in full bloom –

Warm summer days are coming…

Oblivion spell.


Writing labyrinth

Lost in a rainbow labyrinth,

Searching for unwritten myth.

Colors change as feelings grow

After every written word,

Each new step – another shade,

There’s no way out and no escape.

Every letter – a coiling snake,

Bringing life and bringing death…

Poison and priceless cure –

Freedom of writing is pure.

Lost in the labyrinth, locked in the cage –

Mind of a writer always creates.

Nothing can take its freedom

And stories yet to be written…

2015-04-26 18.25.06